the pirate party we held for our son’s 5th birthday was as much fun organising and planning as it was for the children on the day. we altered some of their grandmother’s old clothes for costumes – with a bit of imagination and a stripy top, anything goes! we painted a canvas square for a flag, and made our own skull and cross bone bunting.
tropical food on the table helped set the scene of distant paradises and far-away islands. tiny portions of fish and chips were very tempting, washed down with flagons of home-made lemonade, and finished with a black cake with skull and cross bone icing.
we continued the skull and cross bone theme with a tattoo parlour and bundles of colouring-in sheets, rolled and tied with a black ribbon,
we devised a treasure hunt with coded stones,
at the end of the party every child had their own hand-tied bag of treasure to take home. our children loved this party, and it was well worth all the effort to make it so special and memorable.